Law Firms and Social Media: Should You Join?
If your law firm doesn’t have a Twitter or Facebook account, it’s time to join. Many law firms dismiss social media as a distraction or an extra time commitment, but social media can help bolster your law firm’s online reputation, boost your website’s reach, and attract new clients.
Learn how law firms and social media go hand in hand by reading below.
Why Should Law Firms Have Social Media?
Social media offers various advantages for law firms. It can:
Help influence perception — People expect every business to have a Twitter or Facebook page. Your law firm will look outdated without one.
Rankings for your business — Active social media accounts may help with search engine optimization, or SEO, so you can attract more visitors to your site. At the very least, it can help you connect with a wider audience.
Connect with past and future clients — Personal interaction is one of the most valuable aspects of social media. It’s a way to introduce your firm to people who need your services now or may need them in the future.
Think of social media as an expanded form of your website content. It’s another chance to connect with your audience and engage with them.
What Social Media Accounts Should a Law Firm Have?
Twitter and Facebook are two of the most popular platforms for law firms, and you can reach millions of people through these two sites. However, there are two other social networks you may consider joining based on your marketing strategy and the audience your firm wants to connect with:
1. YouTube — By sharing videos on YouTube, you’ll have a chance to show clients how professional and well-spoken you can be.
2. LinkedIn — By connecting with users on LinkedIn and creating virtual networks, you may be able to find new clients for your firm.
How Often Should a Law Firm Post on Social Media?
Consistency is the key to developing an effective social media presence. You have to post regularly. After all, the more you post, the better chance you have of sparking conversation with users, gaining new clients, or even getting positive word of mouth.
However, this type of consistency can be daunting for busy attorneys. That’s why many law firms choose to outsource their social media accounts to a trusted professional, who can give those social media feeds the attention they need.
If you like the idea of working with a trusted company for your social media content, Lawyers Writing for Lawyers can help. We are lawyers ourselves, and we understand legal terms that we can easily translate to engaging language everyone can understand. Contact us today to discuss your social media options.
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