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Archive for Law Firm Content Marketing

What To Look For In A Legal Content Writing Service

Identify Their Interests & Strengths

The first thing you want to keep in mind is the legal content writer you choose will become an integral part of your law practice, making it essential for them to have an interest in creating engaging and educational content for your clients and potential clients. If a content writer has a background in practicing law, experience writing about many legal topics, as well as a passion for storytelling — these are signs you may have found the right content writing service for you.…

5 Marketing Law Firm Trends For 2018

You’ve built your law practice and you’re ready for more growth. Looking into law firm marketing trends and marketing strategy can be a daunting task. 

What are other law firms doing to position themselves for 2018? Here are five marketing law firm trends that all law firms need to take advantage of with the new year approaching.

5 Marketing Law Firm Trends For 2018

Content, Content, Content Strategy!

It’s all about creating memorable and personalized content. Hiring an experienced writer, who can create customized content is a great idea. This …

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