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Archive for digital marketing for lawyers

5 Marketing Law Firm Trends For 2018

You’ve built your law practice and you’re ready for more growth. Looking into law firm marketing trends and marketing strategy can be a daunting task. 

What are other law firms doing to position themselves for 2018? Here are five marketing law firm trends that all law firms need to take advantage of with the new year approaching.

5 Marketing Law Firm Trends For 2018

Content, Content, Content Strategy!

It’s all about creating memorable and personalized content. Hiring an experienced writer, who can create customized content is a great idea. This …

Press Release Announcing New Law Firm: What To Include

It’s finally time for you step out on your own and send a press release announcing the launch of your law firm. What do you need to include in your press release announcement? Well, we’re glad you asked.  Here are four pieces that you need to include in a press release to help a reporter write an article about your new law firm.


The first line of the press release should include “FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE.” Also included in the header of a press release should be the date of …

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