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Archive for Blog content for lawyers

5 Marketing Law Firm Trends For 2018

You’ve built your law practice and you’re ready for more growth. Looking into law firm marketing trends and marketing strategy can be a daunting task. 

What are other law firms doing to position themselves for 2018? Here are five marketing law firm trends that all law firms need to take advantage of with the new year approaching.

5 Marketing Law Firm Trends For 2018

Content, Content, Content Strategy!

It’s all about creating memorable and personalized content. Hiring an experienced writer, who can create customized content is a great idea. This …

Small Law Firm Marketing: How Small Firms Can Compete Online

How can small law firms compete with big law firms online? By getting smart with their content strategies.

In this post, we’ll share some tactics within a small law firm marketing strategy that attracts new clients and builds visibility online.

Legal Blog Writing

Writing legal blogs are the way your small law firm can compete against the larger, more established law firms online. How? Through something called “long tail keywords.”

Every blog post targets a specific keyword aimed at attracting inbound traffic from search engines. For example, this blog post …

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