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Why Should Law Firms Write Press Releases?


Think press releases are only used for announcing a local 5K race or upcoming fundraiser? Think again.

Press releases for law firms are a great tool to get your name out into the community and raise awareness of the things you’ve been doing. It’s essential to connect with people through local media in order to increase your firm’s profile.

But how do you know what to publicize? There are probably dozens of things going on around your office that deserve a press release — things you might not have …

Who Should Write My Firm’s E-Newsletter?

Email newsletters are a great way to keep clients up to date with what is happening at your law firm. They’re also a smart tool for reaching out to prospective clients — they can help increase your firm’s reach on the web and provide your site with fresh, timely content.

Because your e-newsletter is so important to your firm’s success, you want to make sure it has a professional feel. You don’t want it riddled with spelling mistakes or improper grammar or, perhaps worst of all, appearing outdated.

That’s why …

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